
Getting Beautiful Has Never Been More Simple

When it comes to looking and feeling amazing, everyone has their own ideas on just what constitutes ideal beauty. Fortunately, this selection of handpicked beauty tips and tricks is sure to help you bring out the best in yourself and others. With these helpful hints, you are only moments away from looking and feeling your […]

Getting the Kids Excited about Eating Healthy

Let’s face it; almost every parent automatically goes into a discussion about eating healthy with the fear of dread and failure. It is written all over our faces. We go into that conversation expecting a battle and even a loss. It does not have to be that way, however. There are some creative and fun […]

Getting Started With Fitness Training

One of the hardest parts of any fitness program is getting started. It is so easy to just sit around doing nothing and it takes some degree of motivation to get started exercising. Many people find that joining a gym gives them the motivation they need to get started and follow through with regular workouts. […]

Get Relief From Your Chronic Back Pain

If your back pain has you down all the time, tired, and always in severe pain that you just can’t relieve, you can use these tips to get great strategies that could prove more powerful than addicting medications and painful treatments. Use the advice provided to take on the best pain relief measures possible for […]

Get Ready To Hit The Town With This Beauty Advice

Beauty encompasses a lot of things. It covers items such as hair products, styles, makeup techniques and products, nail polish and care, etc. There are so many ways that one can beautify themselves either for enjoyment or for improving their appearance for other reasons. This article has advice that can help you find what you […]

Relationship Balance Between ‘Their’ Friends and ‘Your’ Friends

Perhaps the biggest potential wage in relationships is learning how to straddle two sets of friends; your significant other’s and your own. After all, we choose our own friends but the two groups are only thrown together by us and our loved ones. And there will always be outliers, that is, friends of either side […]

Exercising With Pets

The human race has had a long-standing bond with the animal kingdom. They have helped us hunt, assisted us in emergencies and, most of all have provided companionship. But they can also be excellent exercise partners. This may sound like a simple and overstated point. Anyone who owns a dog, especially one of the more […]

Helping Career Minded Partners

In relationships where one partner is the more career driven of the two, it goes without saying that one side will inevitably have to take a step to the side once in a while. And our significant others, hopefully, will respect and appreciate us for it. After all, the sacrifices and effort we make inevitably […]

Incorporating Hobbies Into Jobs

One of the biggest regrets people have when looking back on their time in employment is that they didn’t spend enough time doing the things that mattered after they clocked off. Whether it was because the workplace was exhausting, or because personal lives took up most of their free time, hobbies often end up sitting […]

Balancing Time Between Hobbies and Relationships

It’s a familiar scenario. Seasonal hobbies such as skiing in the winter, surfing in the summer or off-roading all year round are seen as hobbies which our significant others tolerate as they know that having an outlet is crucial to our happiness. But there comes a time when our hobbies get in the way of […]

Stressful Travellers

Travel in itself is either going to be a great, enjoyable experience or a complete anxiety bomb depending on why we are travelling, by what method and our own personalities. We’ve all seen someone running through an airport terminal, shirt soaked with sweat, only to line up alongside someone on the same flight who appears […]

Exercising on a Budget

For a lot of people, the opportunity to join a gym or shell out on expensive equipment is just not reality. If the cost itself doesn’t put them off, the fact that they may only want to sporadically use it may mean they cannot justify the investment. But humans have been perfectly able to exercise […]

Things to Try When Stressed

A lot has been said about what to avoid if we’re feeling stressed out; diet, further stressors and aggravating factors are no-no’s. But it’s not just about avoidance. There are actually things we can try that actively combat stressors and give our natural coping mechanisms a little extra ‘push’. CBD oil is now making a […]

Turning the House Into a Gym

Access to the gym is not always a straightforward affair. Whether it is location, time constraints or a limited budget, we are not all blessed with the ability to turn up and have access to a full room of professional equipment. But this does not mean we cannot enjoy the same level of fitness as […]

Micro Exercise

If you have ever been a long haul flight, you will have no doubt seen someone get up and stretch their legs. But they may also go one step further and start doing all manner of seemingly odd routines; pushing against walls, holding onto a chair and pulling their leg up to their back or […]

Where Should Office Friendships Begin and End?

There is nothing wrong with having friends at our place of employment and others outside. And, in fact, there’s nothing wrong in occasionally mixing the two. Some of the best social gatherings will be a mixture of relationships forged from all areas of our lives. But it’s important to know when to keep circles of […]

When Our Friends and Family Have Different Opinions on the World

The generation that are now reaching adulthood are witnessing, and to a large extent are causing, one of the most noticeable generational changes in opinions in all areas of the world; politics, social issues, the environment…you name it, there’s a difference of opinion over it. So how do we play the balancing act of holding […]

Relationships on a Tight Budget

There is no shame in falling on hard times; we all do it at some point in our lives. But it does place a strain on relationships and the things we can do in our spare time. Looking at our bank balance and seeing a zero can often mean lots of nights spent in playing […]

Sleeping on the Move

There are few worse feelings than embarking on a trip knowing we will be absolutely ruined by the time we arrive, or setting off with the intention of sleeping and being left wide awake by external circumstances. So how do we set out with the knowledge we’ll get some decent shuteye on the way? This […]

Exercising to Aid Rest

Whilst it may seem like a no-brainer, the fact of the matter is that if we don’t exercise enough, our sleeping habits are going to be adversely affected. Our bodies need constant exercise to keep us physically and mentally in tip top condition, and also to burn off excess energy, stressors and other symptoms of […]

Exercising On Vacation

Whether we are avid gym goers or just someone who likes to do a general bit of keep fit, our exercise routines often fall to the wayside when we head on a vacation or break. Reduced access to a gym, the abundance of other uses of our time and a general feeling that we’re on […]

Signs That Your Lifestyle is Affecting Your Job

We have all had times where what is going on outside has spilled over into our day jobs. Whether it’s a child taken sick at school, waiting for a contractor to call about a leaking boiler, or having had a little too much to drink on a school night, we’ve all been guilty. But most […]

Balancing Real World Relationships Against Social Media

We’re definitely moving more towards a world where interactions on social media play a larger part in friendships than ever before. Birthday cards are replaced by a Whatsapp message. We can instantly organise a night out in a Facebook messenger group, and we can call and chat to friends and family thousands of miles away. […]

Trying a Working Vacation

This may sound like absolute hell, but a working vacation for those who are able to take their craft with them is a great way to not only switch up the workplace a little bit, but also enjoy a cheap or even free vacation. Upsetting the midpoint between working and relaxing will never feel so […]

Tips for Exercising Before Bed

Winding down before bedtime can be quite a chore, especially if we have always historically had problems falling asleep. However, whilst exercise is a great way to get the body pumped up and ready for action, is also a great way, if utilised correctly, to get us nodding off and sleeping peacefully. If cardiovascular and […]

The Power of Friends to Help De-stress

They say a problem shared is a problem halved. This is particularly true when we are suffering from stressful situations. Our friends can, and should want to help, but we often push them away without realising, or intentionally. We then have no option but to fight the rest of the battle ourselves. For that reason […]

Identifying Stress Symptoms

Every single one of us, without exception, will encounter stressors in our lives. They may hit us suddenly or they may creep in over time, but they will manifest themselves and by this time the battle has been made ten times harder. But it is possible, and therefore important, recognise and combat the symptoms when […]

How Can Parents Get Alone Time Without Kids?

Bringing children into the world is an amazing gift, and there is no more fulfilling feeling than enjoying the relationships that having a family brings. However, it is also important that we do not lose sight of the things we enjoyed before having kids. That’s not to say that parents should go out and party […]

Improving Relationships When You’re Career Driven

There is nothing wrong with being a career driven person, even when relationships and career aspirations have historically always collided. After all, if we don’t secure a seat at the table early on, our career options are stunted and limited in the future. But it’s very easy to get wrapped up in the rat race […]

The Use of Showing Emotion When Stressed

We all deal with stressful situations in different ways. Some of us will fall to pieces and end up in floods of tears, whilst others will barely show any emotion, and toil through it (sometimes successfully, sometimes not so much!) And that’s fine. There is no rulebook on how to show emotion or how to […]

Exercising With Others

Exercising is not always something we need to do alone. Indeed, for many, getting to the gym or just going for a run is a great way to have some alone time, but it can also be a great social occasion. Plus, there are many workouts and routines that can be done with two or […]

Do We Always HAVE To Attend Workplace Social Events?

There is no greater potential upset to our separation of workplace and domestic lives than going to yet another employee social gathering. Its worse still when attendance is expected and when it yet another one of many similar, forgettable events. So should we attend every workplace event, sack them off entirely or try and be […]

Utilising Modern Technology To Aid Us In Sleeping

There are many gadgets and pieces of machinery out there which claim to aid us in sleeping. But many of them are either based around very specific circumstances, or are just an outright waste of money. So finding out which bit of kit to spend your money on really does mean the difference between having […]

Withdrawal from Stressful Situations

One of the biggest stressors is engaging in battles that really are not worth our time. Whether its because the boss says we need to stay in the room until a deal is hammered out, or whether we continue to engaged in stressful behaviours because giving up would mean we’ve lost, we have all at […]

Mental Techniques to Push Us Into Exercising

Having an exercise regime a great idea in principle, but it is as much a mental battle as it is a physical one. We may have spent a few thousand on a new treadmill but what about when we have had a hectic day and just want to sit on the sofa, knowing we will […]

Napping in the day

Despite being told all through our lives that daytime napping is bad for our longer term sleeping patterns, it actually has many benefits. Just look at many Mediterranean countries, where the day grinds to a halt after lunchtime to facilitate a siesta. For that reason, it’s important to recognise when we genuinely do need to […]

Being a Good Friend to a Stressed Person

Much has been said on the healing powers of friends and how we should be able to turn to them for help. However, for every person calling out for assistance, there is a friend who hopefully is looking at the situation and asking themselves firstly what they can do to help, and secondly, how they […]

How To Ease Into Relationships But Retain Old Friendships

There is the cliche scenario of someone who revels in the single lifestyle, heads out every weekend (and some weeknights!) and enjoys close bonds with their friends, but then gets romantically involved with someone and certainly their friends are pushed to the side. Unfortunately, it is a cliche because it is so very often true. […]

Physical Activities that Combat Stressors

With much being said on what we can do to help fight a stressful time, it is easy to get wrapped up in many of the mental exercises and mindsets that we are told we need to engage in. But one of the best de-stressors is decent physical exertion. This can come in many forms […]

Anxiety – Stress’ Ugly Cousin

We often hear a lot about people having a stressful time, and the term ‘anxiety’ will never be far off. A lot of this is down to the fact that people do not know the subtle (and also stark) differences between the two conditions. However, it is also largely down to the fact that both […]

Finding an Exercise Partner

Nobody likes having to engage in a chore by themselves, and at the same time, a lot of people exercise solely to keep fit rather than for the fun or social element that others do it for. For that reason, the old saying of ” a problem shared is a problem halved” definitely applies in […]

Things to Avoid When Feeling Stressful

We are all, without exception, capable of fighting back and beating stressors, no matter what the situation or what our personality is like. However, the fight to get on top of things can be made easier or harder depending on how we live. Our diet, hobbies and mindset are all linked to how well we […]

Balancing Family With Our Significant Other

It’s definitely true what they say about not being able to pick our family. Despite the ties that bind us, there is no shame in admitting that our relatives can drive us up the wall sometimes, and equally common is when they clash with our ability to enjoy quality relationships with our spouse or partner. […]

Sleeping in Unfamiliar Settings

For travellers of all kinds, whether for employment or pleasure, an unfamiliar setting can reduce the number of hours slept per night from a healthy eight to half that or even less. The shape of the bed, the type of mattress or the outside light coming through the window can kill a decent night’s sleeping […]

When is it Acceptable to Give Extra In Our Jobs?

Nobody likes an apple polisher, but equally, there is sometimes nothing more frustrating than someone who refuses to give extra, clocks off exactly on the dot and leaves the rest of the team scrambling on half their strength. So how do we strike a healthy medium where we give extra, know when to clock off […]

Why We Need to Ensure a Healthy Medium Between Working and Resting

Maintaining a healthy balance between the office and house is crucial to anyone’s health, but not just our own. When we carry the stresses of the workplace with us, we bite into valuable time we should be enjoying with family and friends, and on the flipside, if we drag our domestic situation into the office, […]

Micronapping In The Workplace

Many of us are blessed with a simple, static working pattern, normally following the pattern of the typical ‘nine to five’ setting, give or take a few hours on each side. However, others are given (or opt for) a shift pattern, whether stuck on a static night rota or rotating. Both are not ideal for […]

Working From The House – How to Switch Off

For many people, converting a spare room into an office and working out of the house is a dream come true. There is no commuting, no office gossip to get wrapped up in, and if our spouses, children or pets want to hang out, we can clock off and spend quality time with them. But […]

Avoiding Medication And Sleeping Naturally

Make no mistake. For many, the upset of a sleeping pattern is down to more complex matters, and can often only be fixed with medication. However, in recent years, with increased access to over the counter drugs and more ‘prescription happy’ doctors, people are increasingly turning to sleeping pills when they don’t necessarily need to. […]

Exercising Whilst Injured

Think of a time when you may have been incapacitated or at the very least slowed down through some sort of injury. The opportunities for exercise were you limited or, depending on the extent of our injury, wiped out entirely. As a result, our general levels of wellbeing start to decline and getting back on […]